
what is the standard for laying floorboards?

last year

Can I please get some advice/clarification please. Floorboards came as a standard inclusion for our new home and we upgraded the skirting so it's proportionate with the height of the ceiling as we have square set ceiling.
The builder installed the skirting first and now has the quads between the skkirting and the boards which we don't like. He's now making a case that this is the standard way of installation and we need to gave requested the skirting to sit on top if the boards. Is this correct? There is no detail of the on the plan. Should this have been shown? We didn't think this should have, otherwise, every bits of installation would have been in the same not. We've had too much issues with the builder and this is another one.
Can anyone please enlighten us if there's a standard construction style for this? Please see photos.
We don't like the quad thingy on top.

Thank you very much.

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