
New Zealand Home of The Year

last year
last modified: last year

The other day , I started a thread about a $12.25 million dollar house ( and land , to be fair ) that , IMO , is old , below average , but in a pretty good spot -- I wouldn't even call it prime real estate . I realise prices are a result of supply and demand , with maybe some marketing -- some real estate agents may almost create a fake market to bid prices up ?

Anyway , today I have just seen the Master Builders House Of The Year winner ( well , I've seen it online -- it is in Christchurch , which is 1000kms and a quick swim across Cook Strait to get to haha ) . It's price is shown as above $4million .

I know which I prefer .

The entry is quite nice , but doesn't look anything special .

Even the driveway in and the ( presumably ) street view doesn't give away much .

This is the pool -- the house is obviously that building out to the right . I don't know whether I'd have a roof over my pool , but you can start to see this is a bit special .

Quite nice . Considering it's 'just the pool' .

That looks to be the boundary wall , and pool wall . A slightly higher standard than most . . . . . .

Oh , theres a changing room !

So this the standard of the changing room . Who wants to see the house ?

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